Effective exercise for the prevention and management of low back pain
More than 80% of the adult population suffer from low back pain at some time in their life. It is one of the most common reasons why people take time off work and may be distressing and frustrating as quality of life often suffers.
Yet gentle effective exercise, delivered by a properly trained exercise professional, can often help with the prevention and management of low back pain. This is underlined by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines recommending that people with persistent non-specific low back pain should be actively encouraged to stay physically active and take up exercise. Non-specific low back pain is tension, soreness and/or stiffness in
the lower back region, back pain for which your medical practitioner has not been able to identify a specific cause.
The Back4Good® Programme has been developed specifically to help those with low back pain by using tailored Pilates-based exercises that are safe and effective.
All Back4Good® Practitioners are experienced Body Control Pilates teachers, having been certified by Europe’s foremost Pilates organisation. They have undertaken additional training in exercise referral and low back pain to become a Back4Good® Practitioner. This training is endorsed by BackCare, the UK charity for healthier backs; by leading medical practitioners; and by the independent bodies who oversee quality and standards for the UK health and fitness industry. The qualification held by Back4Good® Practitioners sits at Level 4 on the UK Register of Exercise Professionals.
How do I get started?
‘Healthy Back’ Classes
If you want an effective way to strengthen your back or to prevent back pain, then the ‘Healthy Back’ group class is the perfect option. Based on the world-renowned Body Control Pilates programme, these classes (‘one- to-one' sessions are also available) will give you a gentle, balanced workout with the focus on strengthening the core abdominals that do so much for your posture and for supporting your back. Class sizes are small so that you get maximum attention and support.
Referral to the Back4Good® Programme
If you have been seeing a medical practitioner for persistent low back pain, they may choose to refer you to our classes. Your Back4Good® Practitioner will happily liaise with your GP to facilitate your referral and to plan the best programme for you. You can opt to join the small group classes or the ‘one-to-one’ programme which includes a movement assessment and personalised exercise plan. In both cases, your Practitioner will take you through a thorough enrolment process to ensure that you get maximum benefit from your Back4Good® sessions. Both programmes will be tailored to your specific needs.
We also work on the principle that, when it comes to exercise, every little bit helps and we promote a ‘Get Active’ programme for our clients as a way of continuing to exercise when away from Back4Good® classes.